Integrated Annual Report FY23

A world of experiences

A world of experiences

Experiences are universal. They can happen anywhere, at any time, and can last an instant, a moment or a lifetime. They might be shared or individual, different or similar across time and geographies.

Experiences are about moments of connection. Connection with places or people, cultures or the excitement of what the future might hold.

At Pernod Ricard, we believe in the power of bringing people together, and the positive impact that comes from turning occasions into memorable experiences.

We use technology to create more personalised connections with consumers, to better understand when, where and how our brands are chosen. From choosing a night at home over a night out, to a rise in no- and low-consumption, moments of conviviality are varied, ever-changing and evolving.

Responding to these moments is also about anticipating and understanding consumer trends. By staying close to our consumers analysing trends we’re able to identify new opportunities and place our portfolio at the heart of consumers’ moments of consumption.

Consumer trends such as ‘Conscious Hedonism’ and ‘Real-life Social Networks’.

Conscious Hedonism is about creating pleasurable offerings that facilitate purposeful consumption. People increasingly want to consume with a carefree attitude without compromising either their wellbeing or their conscience.

They are moderating their consumption and looking for sustainable ways to be self- indulgent. They want holistic offerings that balance their desire for wellbeing and their respect for nature.

We’re responding by bringing Good Times from a Good Place, putting sustainability and responsibility firmly at the heart of the experiences we create - including moving towards a more circular business model, actively working to preserve and regenerate natural resources. Read more about our sustainability and responsibility commitments starting on page 66.

We’re also supporting conscious consumption by investing in non-alcoholic brands like Ceder’s and retail concepts like Boisson, and launching new spirit alternative offerings like Seagram’s 0.0%. Read more about our no- and low-alcohol innovations on page 29.

Real-life Social Networks focuses on moments of real-life interaction, where people are able to reconnect after years of restrictions. People are searching for a world of new experiences, convivial occasions through which to connect with like-minded people.

Keith Bond 2 production facility, Scotland