Integrated Annual Report FY23

Transparent and ethical governance

This diagram shows the governance and board structure of the group.

The Board of Directors, which is at the highest level of management, is responsible for the Board of Directors' Committees. Under the Board of Directors' committees, we find the following committees:


  • Audit Committee
  • CSR Committee
  • Nomination and Governance Committee
  • Strategic Committee
  • Compensation Committee

Next, we have the Chairman & CEO Alexandre Ricard which is directly responsible for the five functional heads and the three business unit heads:

5 heads of function

  • Global Operations Maria Pia De Caro
  • Human Resources Cédric Ramat
  • Legal & Compliance Anne-Marie Poliquin
  • Corporate Communications, S&R and Public Affairs Conor McQuaid
  • Finance and IT Hélène de Tissot

3 heads of business

  • Global Brands Philippe Guettat
  • Global Markets Gilles Bogaert
  • North America Ann Mukherjee