Integrated Annual Report FY23

Our progress

Our progress At 30 June 2023

Nurturing Terroir


FY22: 31 %

Produce or source 100% of all key raw materials in line with sustainability standards, by 2030.

10,500 since FY19

FY22: 9,933

Empower, train or support 5,000 farmers through regenerative agriculture and biodiversity programmes by 2030.


FY22: 73 %

of our affiliates have implemented a regenerative agriculture or biodiversity programme.

Valuing People


FY22: 0.9%

Ensure gender pay equity (<1%) across the business by 2022.

36 %

FY22: 35%

Achieve a gender balanced (40-60%) top management by 2030.


Lost time accident frequency since FY20, working towards zero lost time accidents by 2025.