Integrated Annual Report FY23

Valuing people

Valuing People

Good Times from a good place  ; Valuing people

36%of our top management team are women, and we aim to achieve gender balance by 2030.

50%lost time accident frequency since FY20, working towards zero lost time accidents by 2025.

Convivialité is about sharing warmth, care and respect for people everywhere. We increase diversity and fairness for all our people and empower people across our supply chain.

To create shared value for all our stakeholders, we aim to procure all goods and services responsibly, protect human rights, foster diversity and inclusion, and create a healthy and safe environment.

Outside our organisation, we are committed to sharing our knowledge and to working with our partners to create shared values in our supply chain, ensuring our activities are safe, respectful and responsible. From grain to glass, we nurture long-standing and valuable relationships.

Read about our Group level S&R initiatives:

Link to - Launch of Group level global Diversity & Inclusion Framework with four objectives set around talent management, workplace culture, innovation and reputation on pages 58–59

Link to - Group level Health & Safety paradigm is laying the foundations for a more holistic approach in supporting and protecting its employees and stakeholders. Read about our “Be The One” campaign on page 60

Absolut North America’s Ally and Pride programmes on page 32