Integrated Annual Report FY23

A message from Chairman and CEO Alexandre Ricard

But we can do even better. The Group has a clear ambition for the next decade: to deliver sustainable, profitable growth that will benefit all our stakeholders. We will build even more premium brands at scale, while nurturing the rest of our portfolio, leveraging innovation in products and services, and seizing external opportunities to cover every imaginable consumer need.

To achieve this, we’ll continue to activate a significantly increased number of brands across more markets and occasions, leveraging the growth model that is already in place and delivering tangible results.

Our agile operating model, empowering our teams, will support and enable our ambitions. Our continuous transformation will enable us to improve collaboration and augment our collective knowledge - we will take full advantage of all opportunities to further mutualise resources and capture synergies and economies of scale wherever they may lie.

Enhancing the best of our culture to ensure it is a sustainable source of competitive advantage, we will continue to equip our people with the expertise and skills we need to stay ahead, and challenge each other to reach excellence.

Making a real difference

The way we go about all of this matters just as much as what we want to achieve. To be successful, we will further reinforce our commitment to Sustainability and Responsibility.

Every Pernod Ricard product takes its character from the land where it is grown and the people who make it.

We manage our business for the long term - for future generations - and climate change and building a “future-fit” business are our most pressing concerns.

We are working on biodiversity projects, our carbon footprint, water usage, consumer transparency, digital labels, gender pay equity, investments in distilleries and production, encouraging responsible consumption, and much more - as you’ll read about in this report. These initiatives are having quantifiable impacts: our carbon emissions for Scopes 1 and 2 are down 12% in FY23 versus 2018 in absolute value. And 94% of our markets have deployed a responsible drinking initiative in the last year aimed at changing consumer behaviour.

Conviviality sparks human connection and creates memorable experiences across the entire spectrum of Pernod Ricard. Our Group is founded on optimism, the thrill of discovering new ideas, and the pursuit of the extraordinary.”

Of course, none of this would be possible without our people. Our Group’s evolution has been achieved with and for our people, and we have always demonstrated our ability to thrive when challenged. I can’t thank them enough for their ongoing and unwavering commitment, and our success is a direct reflection of a culture rooted in authenticity, care, collective commitment, and empowerment.

We are building the future of Pernod Ricard together, creating unforgettable encounters and moments of conviviality both for ourselves and for the consumers who choose our brands.

In a world in need of conviviality, we are making a real difference and unlocking the magic of human connection.

Alexandre Ricard Chairman & CEO