Integrated Annual Report FY23

Good Times from a Good Place

We’ve been working with Pernod Ricard for some years now to reintroduce the cultivation of fennel in the south of France. It’s a precious partnership - we’re very proud to be working for such a renowned brand as Ricard and this kind of rotational crop has great benefits for the quality of our soil and our economic stability.”
Denis Vernet, Farmer

This map shows how the group nurture the terroir.

Regenerative agriculture programmes

  • US (Grapes, Grain)
  • Mexico (Coffee)
  • Brazil (Sugarcane) 
  • Armenia (Grapes)
  • India (Grain)
  • China (Grapes)
  • Philippines (Coconut)
  • Australia (Grapes)
  • New Zealand (Grapes)
  • Sweden (Wheat)
  • Ireland (Barley)
  • France (Grapes (Cognac, Champagne & Bordeaux), Maize, Sugar beet, Gentian)
  • Spain (Grapes)

Ecosystem conservation programmes

  • Cuba (Mangrove)
  • India (Elephant habitat conservation)
  • France (Woodlands)

10,500farmers empowered, trained or supported since FY19

19regenerative agriculture initiatives including seven in our own vinyards

34% of our key raw materials covered by sustainable certifications

82%of our affiliates have implemented a regenerative agriculture or biodiversity programme