Integrated Annual Report FY23

Building rewarding careers

Building rewarding careers

Making sure we have the right people in the right positions at the right time is a key challenge for every organisation - and Pernod Ricard is no different. But where we are different is in the ways we support the upskilling, training and development of our teams.

A new framework for an improved employee experience

With the drive to attract and retain talented individuals becoming increasingly competitive, during the year we started working on a new talent marketplace project that will redefine our career framework when it’s launched officially early next year.

Creating a meaningful, customised, transparent and high-performing employee experience - one which empowers our people through a truly employee-centric approach - sits right at the heart of this project. It brings together an artificial intelligence platform and the deep experiences of our people management organisation to match employees’ professional and personal skills with career and development opportunities.

Diversity and inclusivity is hard-wired into all our employee initiatives - and the talent marketplace project ensures that no biases are in play at any time, and that everyone has equal opportunities to progress.

Our culture of conviviality is our competitive advantage. Investing in that culture and in our people is how our business continues to thrive.”
Cédric Ramat, EVP, Human Resources

Good for our people, good for our business

The new system will deliver benefits to both our business and our employees.

For our people, it will:

  • Broaden their professional horizons
  • Gain visibility of their full set of skills - both personal and professional - and previous experience
  • Identify different opportunities for career and development paths based on their experience, skills and aspirations
  • Provide greater objectivity and transparency

For our business, it will:

  • Enhance our career and development offer, leading to greater employee engagement and increased talent retention
  • Transform our understanding of the skills that exist across the business
  • Improve efficiency in shortlisting for roles and projects
  • Support our managers to have more meaningful and concrete career development conversations, encouraging different types of job moves, skill development and experiences
  • Ensure that we’re always up to date with the latest market skills trends