Integrated Annual Report FY23

Powering our business with data and AI

Powering our business with data and AI

Our Key Digital Programmes (KDPs) are the driving force of our digital acceleration. Together, they bring new precision and foresights to our teams, supporting them to do what they do best: ensuring consumers can enjoy the brand they desire, at the right time, in the right place, at the right price, with the right message.

Fuelled by millions of datapoints and powered by AI, these digital initiatives have been tailored to our business. They are fully owned, scalable and coherent across geographies. And they are already delivering powerful benefits - helping us to identify new opportunities, and giving us greater precision in the distribution and management of our brands.

Helping us activate a larger portfolio by deeply understanding moments of consumption of each brand.

Knowing when, where, why and how a brand is selected and enjoyed is an important key to success in our industry - and Maestria is the framework that helps us get closer than ever to these “moments of consumption”. In 2023 we piloted a new version that goes beyond socio-demographics and gets deeper into the heart of consumer choice - delivering a level of granularity that allows our teams to precisely understand where our brands can win and how to best activate them.

One Market - One Fact

“The new Maestria is a very comprehensive and detailed methodology to analyse consumer demand. Thanks to this data-powered version, we have been able to precisely activate an additional 25 brands within moments of consumption covering close to 80% of premium and alcoholic beverage demand. A true enabler to unlock the full breadth of our portfolio.”

Paul Doursounian, Head of Strategic Planning, Pernod Ricard China