Integrated Annual Report FY23

Ambitious momentum

The value we create


We provide a diverse and inclusive work environment and create a culture combining conviviality and performance.

76I Say 2022 score attributed by employees recognising Pernod Ricard as a great place to work

Consumers & customers

We offer high-quality products, services and experiences to our consumers and customers.

18 of our brands are in Top 100 worldwide(2)

Shareholders & investors

We create long-term value for our shareholders and investors by delivering profitable and sustainable growth.

+11%PRO in FY23(1) (3)

Farmers & suppliers

We support our farmers and suppliers to develop regenerative agriculture practices and sustainable packaging solutions.

10,506farmers empowered, trained or supported(4)

Communities & society

We support our communities, partner with our peers and work with regulators to tackle challenges together.

94%of markets with a global or local responsible drinking initiative


We minimise our impact on the environment by preserving our terroirs, reducing carbon emissions and water consumption, while increasing circularity.

18% greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) reduction in intensity since FY18(1)