Unlocking more convivial moments

Campo Viejo

Combining 60 years of winemaking heritage with the vibrant spirit of modern Spain, Campo Viejo’s winning blend of tradition and innovation informs its updated visual design. While all Campo Viejo bottles were already made with 68% recycled glass, bottle labels have changed from adhesive labels (which cannot be recycled) to recyclable FSC-certified PET paper. The changes will also see the removal of paper necks and a 5% reduction in label size, resulting in less ink and paper.

#1 best-selling Rioja in the world

Mumm Marlborough

Mumm Marlborough is celebrating excellent results across the Pacific as it continues to grow its super-premium sparkling wine category and recruit new consumers, as well as drive consumers to trade up from lower-priced brands. With share, value and volume all growing, Mumm Marlborough is the #1 sparkling launched in the last two years in both Australia and New Zealand.(1) It’s the #1(2) $30+ Sparkling in New Zealand and #2(3) in Australia.

#1 $30+ sparkling wine in New Zealand

  1. RSV MAT.
  2. RSV MAT 13/03/22.
  3. RSV MAT 29/05/22.

IRI unweighted market, MAT to 6/3/22. Coles Synergy loyalty card data, first 52 weeks post-launch.