“At Martell, a ‘Standout Swift’ is someone who challenges convention and opens the way for others, just like our founder Jean Martell. It was important to work with profiles that embody this attitude, like Chen Kun, Janelle Monáe and Davido. They are each bold in their actions and drivers of positive change. The success of all three campaigns shows how the message resonates with consumers who are inspired to stand out from the crowd and unapologetically be themselves.”
Richard Black, Marketing Director, Martell
+3.5Bn total media impressions for the campaign(1)
Janelle Monáe and Martell are turning the world upside down with the “Soar Beyond the Expected” campaign that launched in October 2021, featuring the brand’s innovative offering, Martell Blue Swift. Inspired by Monáe’s iconic influence across music, fashion and film, the campaign encourages consumers to unapologetically be themselves and create their own path. The message is delivered through lifestyle content produced by director and artist child., photographed by multimedia artist Jheyda McGarrell and starring Monáe - a powerful women-led production which is a rarity within a male-dominated sector. The campaign has been incredibly successful at driving awareness for Martell, receiving more than 21 million impressions at launch and registering 100% positive sentiment.
Martell is also collaborating with other “Standout Swifts” who resonate with consumers in their home geographies: actor and philanthropist Chen Kun in Asia and American-Nigerian afrobeats artist and mentor Davido in Africa. Together, they are spreading Martell’s core belief that audacity shapes legacy.
(1) At 30 June 2022.